

Christine Fadel

Nancy Hunter

Leah Portnoy

Kathy Ortiz

Michele Beck

Adam Blaser

Chris Vanderwalker

Sara Cain

Ezell Edwards

Joseph Lewis

Joyce Belle

Grace Masino, Charlotte, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
Before I began treatment at Innovation Health, I had a lot of low back pain and my pelvis and hips were twisted. I also had shoulder pain. My pain level was around a 6 on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the most severe. I also noticed I was crooked and found out that I have scoliosis.
The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:? The benefits I have received from chiropractic treatment at Innovation Health is that I hardly ever have any low back pain. Having knowledge of my posture has helped improve my overall health, especially since I sit at a desk all day.

What I would want others to know:
What I would want others to know is chiropractic care is like going to the dentist. It should be part of your routine to take care of your body.


Sumit Mulkalwar, Charlotte, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
My problem before beginning treatment at Innovation Health was bad.

My pain level was an 8 and sometimes a 9 on a range from 1-10, 10 being the most severe. I was not able to sit straight or stay in the same position for very long. I also was not able to sleep.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
The benefits I received once I started care at Innovation Health is my pain is completely gone! I learned how to maintain a good posture and take better care of my body.

What I would want others to know:
What I would want others to know, especially those who work at a desk all day is that I highly suggest they seek chiropractic care. It will help them maintain good posture, learn stretches, and maintain good health pain free!

Daniel Sawdon, Huntersville, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
My problem was very bad before beginning chiropractic care at Innovation Health. My low back pain was a constant 4 on a scale from 1-10. (10 being the most severe)

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
The benefits I have received is not having constant low back pain anymore. The doctors explained what they saw going on and showed me what I needed to do on my own. They have been very interactive.

What I would want others to know:
Another thing I want people to know is that this was not a one-time fix but an ongoing effort on my part with their help.


Craig Pinchuk, Charlotte, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
My problem was severe and so bad that I could barely walk. It was painful to sit for long periods of time, and very difficult to get in and out of the car.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
The benefits I have since receiving treatment at Innovation Health is having a greater understanding on how the body works. I understand why my body was in pain and the things I can do to improve my overall health which includes stretches that I can do. Dr. Wolf did a very good job explaining the problem and had a solution.

What I would want others to know:
What I would want others to know, is this is a process. Innovation Health has been the problem solvers to help come up with a solution. I now have been educated on how my body works and how to fix it.

Dyani Laws, Concord, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
I was very nauseous and in a lot of pain through out my whole body. In a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most severe, my pain level averaged a 5. I had a lot of anxiety and felt physically ill. I was not comfortable going anywhere and riding in the car was especially difficult.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
The benefits I have received have been less pain and a much better mood.

What I would want others to know:
Is that it was difficult at first, but eventually, it helped me get organized. Planning and preparing meals at a set time along with taking the compounds has really been a great help with my health and in changing my mood.


Reba Hall and Joel Staton, Belmont, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
Reba – Before any treatment at Innovation Health, I had not been able to sleep well throughout the night for many years. I had restricted movement and was limited in looking over my shoulder.

Joel – My initial time coming for treatment was because of doing a “starfish” dive and I hurt my back. I was constantly falling out of bed which made my back pain worse.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?

Reba – The benefits I have received since beginning treatment are a better night’s sleep. I love being able to sleep through the night. Also, my headaches have decreased.

Joel – When I come to Innovation Health, I am always in pain but leave not hurting.

What I would want others to know:
Is that Dr. Wolf is so knowledgeable about chiropractic treatment. I have been to many other chiropractors in my life and none of them were as good or as knowledgeable as Dr. Wolf or Dr. Pepper.

Michelle Pighet, Charlotte, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment? I had daily issues before receiving chiropractic care at Innovation Health for about one year. I was limited and not able to exercise or play outside with my children. Bending over to wash clothes or pick up my children were difficult to do.
The benefits I have received since beginning care at Innovation Heath:
I am now pain free and not having any headaches. It is nice to be staying healthy during this time.
The one thing I want people to know:
If you have not been going to a chiropractor, you should start.

Silvia De Paz, Charlotte, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
My problem was terrible before beginning my treatment for both chiropractic and functional medicine care. I had daily migraines, lack of energy, and was constantly getting sick. I felt bad all over.
The benefits I have received since beginning care at Innovation Heath: The benefits I have received is that my day to day life has been made easier. No more migraines, and I have not gotten sick with the flu or colds. The protocol I have been given with Functional Medicine has given me more energy and has boosted my confidence because I am feeling better.
The one thing I want people to know:
What I want others to know is that taking a natural approach to my health has eliminated on going medications that gave me temporary relief. Since coming to see Dr. Wolf and Dr. Pepper, I don’t feel the need to seek any other medical attention. Give them a try!

Nancy Hunter, Concord, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?What were your limitations and difficulties?
My weight had started to creep upward in 2015. I dutifully got yogurt and low carb/low calorie shakes and ate sensibly for dinner but instead of my weight going down, it continued to creep upward. I felt tired every day and worn out when I got home. I am usually a high-energy person, but I felt depleted, wasn’t sleeping well, and even on weekends couldn’t muster much energy. My wakeup call came when I brought breakfast and lunch to work, set the bag down, and started my day. I worked late and as I closed my computer, and grabbed my bag, I realized I hadn’t eaten since 630 the night before and I was NOT hungry. I knew something was wrong with me.

In your own words, explain what benefits you received from Functional Medicine Treatment at Innovation Health.
I wasn’t sure when I started that I could be successful; the requirements seemed too hard. I would have to temporarily stop eating many of my favorite foods and beverages, take a lot of supplements, and eat more often; apparently, I’d been unintentionally starving my body for years. I complained, I whined, and Dr. Pepper was my best friend and worse ‘enemy’ at the same time! I stayed the course with her help and after 6 months, had dropped 30 pounds and didn’t die from changing the way I ate! My goal shifted from simply wanting to feel better, to really wanting to have good health as I age and to give my body what it needed to do the job.

Together, we discovered that my body was not producing what it needed to efficiently process, digest and use the nutrition from food. My blood sugar was unstable, and I was headed toward pre-diabetes. My insides were full of negative bacteria and my pancreas and liver were not doing their job efficiently.

I made it through those first months and started slowly bringing back the foods I loved one at a time. I listened to what my body told me and shared with Dr. Pepper. Together, we discovered foods that caused issues for me: gluten, dairy, pork, corn, coffee, sugar. I have now chosen to be gluten free, I’m 99.9% dairy free, I don’t eat sugar except in my coffee or an occasional piece of dark chocolate.

I’ve been eating seasonally, healthy, clean food without preservatives, hormones, chemical additives for about 18 months now and I’m still alive! I have strategies for eating at restaurants, going to parties, having dinner at friend’s homes; I feel terrific! My brain ‘fog’ is gone, I sleep much more soundly, and my energy is back. My blood sugar has stabilized, is still a little high but I am no longer trending toward pre-diabetes; I’m trending AWAY from pre-diabetes. It will take time and I’m committed to my healthy food choices.

What else would you want people to know about your treatment?

It’s hard.

It’s hard when friends ask, ‘why are you not having wine: Are you sick?’ ‘When are you going back to eating like a normal person?’ ‘I can’t have you over because I don’t cook gluten free.’ Or at work ‘We want to say thank you for the great work, so we have pizza and soft drinks and cookies in the kitchen for you – ENJOY!’ It’s isolating.

I was skeptical. I was unsure about the supplements and muscle testing. I felt as if I was planning my life around when I had to eat, and I was frustrated and aggravated – but I didn’t give up or ‘cheat’ then lie to cover it up. I had great support from my family which is crucial. I didn’t give in to the negativity and skepticism of others. I carried on. Sometimes I crave a piece of good bread with butter, and pizza from the best pizza place I know. But I know if I indulge, my body will pay the consequences of those decisions and I’ve already put it through enough. It’s time to care for it with love.

When people comment and asked what ‘diet’ I’m on? ‘I am not on a diet’ I say, ‘I’ve decided I need to eat in a healthier way, so I don’t have health issues as I age’. I deserve to be healthy.


Sandra Charity, Charlotte, NC

How bad was my problem?
My problem was so bad that my pain level was an 8 or 9 on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the worst. I had difficulty walking and could only walk one block before having to stop to rest.

Benefits I Received from Chiropractic Care & Functional Medicine
My overall health has improved, especially my walking. My pain level is now only a 1 and I don’t have pain every day anymore!

What I want to Know About Treatment
The staff at Innovation Health is nice and friendly. Dr. Pepper is so easy to talk to and explains everything clearly. She will help you to understand your personal healthcare needs.

Mark Needham, Charlotte, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
I had bone and joint pain along with radiating pain down my left arm. My body couldn’t absorb proteins easily. I was always chilled because my metabolism wasn’t working correctly. I couldn’t go outside and do the things I loved to do like, skiing and other outside activities.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
My chills went away and now I can enjoy outside activities. The pain in my bones, joints, and radiating pain cleared up too!

What I would want others to know:
Both Dr. Wolf and Dr. Pepper always take plenty of time with you and look at all aspects of the body to heal holistically.


Aly Faber, Charlotte, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
My problem was challenging to say the least! We addressed all of my systems to include digestion, sleep, pain, inflammation, and brain function in which were all effected.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
The benefits I received are I feel like a better, clearer, healthier version of myself with improved functioning in all areas of my life. Instead of being 75% capacity, I am at 100’%!

What I would want others to know:
The initial challenge of discipline can seem overwhelming especially if your systems are compromised, but well worth the challenge. I have also referred my clients who would say the same thing. It’s a gift you give yourself and those closest to you-the gift of your best self!

Carol Goodart, Odenton, MD

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
Prior to beginning the treatment with Dr. Pepper, there were a number of health issues I was dealing with. I was 40 pounds overweight, couldn’t get to sleep at night, high blood pressure and fatigue a lot of the time.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:
After the treatment, I lost 40 pounds which took care of a lot of physical side effects. My sleeping pattern improved significantly, not only being able to get to sleep quickly, but now I stay asleep. In addition, my blood pressure dropped and I have a sense of calmness that keeps me restful and focused throughout the day. At night, I noticed I am not as hungry and am satisfied with the nutritious meals I am eating. My energy level has improved, my skin is clear and bowels are working normal.

What I would want others to know:
I have learned a lot about food and how it affects our mind and body. I learned so much about how to handle things naturally instead of reaching quickly for medication and improved my understanding of how to listen to my body. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves and through good food choices, and understanding the causes of abnormalities, great health is the result! It is the beginning of a lifetime quest and I am thankful for what I have learned.

Dr. Pepper closes out all her emails with “It’s all about great health”. Many times that in itself reminded me to stay vigilant and diligent to my treatment and good food choices. Thank you to Dr. Pepper, Michele Beck, and staff that lovingly and patiently helped me through this process and continues to help!


Cheyhene Miller, Huntersville, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
Before coming to Innovation Health, I had a limited range of motion and was in a lot of pain.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
The benefits I have received is that I am feeling 10 times better. I walk with more confidence and have less low back and leg pain. My midback pain went away entirely.

What I would want others to know:
What I would want others to know is that both doctors are extremely knowledgeable, professional, and personable. They gave personal stories of obstacles they themselves endured and overcame. Which means they could relate to my issues and built trusted rapport with me.

David Teachey, Charlotte, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
Before beginning chiropractic care I was having moderate pain.

I was unable to work out, jog, or train for a triathlon

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:
My symptoms and pain have dropped off noticeably and drastically. I have received great improvement!

What I would want others to know:
The results did not come instantly, but in only a few weeks things got better


Gisela Ortiz, Charlotte, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
I had excruciating pain moving in any direction. If I vacuumed I would accept the fact that I was going to be in pain during and afterwards.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
The benefits after receiving treatment at Innovation Health is amazing! After only 3 treatments I have minimal to no pain at all. I am now more aware of body mechanics and how to strengthen my core because of the exercises Dr. Wolf has taught me to do.

What I would want others to know:
What I would want others to know is this is a friendly environment and Dr. Wolf is very professional and thorough.

Helen Gardiner, Charlotte, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
Anxiety had become a problem plaguing me for no apparent reason. Hip pain was interfering with my sleep, and digestive issues were driving me spare.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:
The biggest benefit I received from Functional Medicine was Blood sugar regulation! My anxiety is now back under control because I am not in a constant state of hypoglycemia. My hip behaves itself for the most part now thanks to dietary changes, chiropractic adjustments, and the improved balance and posture courtesy of Lauren and the Fancy Belt. My digestion is a work in progress, greatly improved after years of apparent abuse (I was a low-fat vegetarian for decades).

What I would want others to know:
What I would want people to know about my treatment is that the hard work is completely worth it and the supportive staff at this place makes a big difference.


Jacque Maus, Charlotte, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
My pain was unbearable! My pain level on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the worst, was a 10. It brought tears to my eyes. It hurt to walk, sit, sneeze, or anything that required movement to my back.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:
The benefits I received from the DRS treatment at Innovation Health was significant. After one treatment, the next day my pain was significantly reduced to a 3-pain level. A few days later, my pain was completely gone!

What I would want others to know:
What else I would want people to know is that to keep an open mind to the technology that is available, because it works. Trust Dr. Wolf because he has healing hands

Jamey Messick, Belmont, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
Before receiving treatment at Innovation Health I had a tough time getting up and down out of my chair. I had back spasms and it was very hard to move around.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
The benefits I received relieved pain and pressure. I also benefited by being educated on how to prevent it from happening again with stretching and strengthening exercises.

What I would want others to know:
What I want others to know about my experience at Innovation Health is their flexible schedule makes it easy to come in. Whenever you need to, they are there for you but they won’t have you coming in indefinitely. The door is always open to come back, but when an issue is resolved, they release you from care.


Janelle Goodrich, Charlotte, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
I had been a runner but had to stop because of my right knee pain. I had difficulty walking or doing any kind of exercise using the lower part of my body.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
After receiving chiropractic care at Innovation Health, my knee is 100% healed. I can now exercise and move my body. My body is moving more freely with less restrictions.

What I would want others to know:
One couldn’t ask for two more caring people that listen to you and are willing to talk about any issue with your body. There is no price you can put on this very valuable service.

Janet Jolly, Huntersville, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
My problem was so bad that I felt like my shoulders were above my ears! I had constant pain and discomfort.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
I now have less tension in my shoulders and feel like they are back where they need to be.

What I would want others to know:
I want others to know that Charisse is awesome! She knows how to relieve and release the tension in your muscles.


Jason DiPaula, Concord, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
My problem was pretty bad before coming to Innovation Health. I had constant low back pain that rated 6 most of the time, (pain scale of 1-10, 10 being the most severe). At times, I had to take medication.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
The benefit for me is that now the pain is gone and having natural corrections by adjustments keep my posture straight. I now have less neck and back issues since coming here.

What I would want others to know:
Chiropractic care works! The doctors are great and I would recommend them to anyone, but especially those who are experiencing back issues.

John Bryner, Concord, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
I am a carpenter and due to the type of work I do, I had moderate pain, and a lot of aches and pains. My pain level was a 4, on a scale of 1-10, one being the least, and 10 being the worst.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
After receiving treatment at Innovation Health, I have free movement and I no longer hurt as much since receiving regular care.

What I would want others to know:
What I want people to know is that chiropractic care is better than going to a family doctor because family doctors simply give prescription drugs instead of getting to the root of the problem. Adjustments are the way to go to get your body in alignment and out of pain!


Larry Gee, Charlotte, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
I am a carpenter and due to the type of work I do, I had moderate pain, and a lot of aches and pains. My pain level was a 4, on a scale of 1-10, one being the least, and 10 being the worst.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
After receiving treatment at Innovation Health, I have free movement and I no longer hurt as much since receiving regular care.

What I would want others to know:
What I want people to know is that chiropractic care is better than going to a family doctor because family doctors simply give prescription drugs instead of getting to the root of the problem. Adjustments are the way to go to get your body in alignment and out of pain!

Christine Vandewalker, Indian Trail, NC

How bad was my problem before beginning treatment?
My problem was I had chronic neck and back pain. I was to the point over the counter (OTC) pain meds weren’t working anymore. I felt very limited and “old” before my time! I had gastro-intestinal issues my whole life. I was lethargic and moody everyday trying to make it through to the next day with as little discomfort as possible.

The benefits I received from Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Care, and Decompression were as follows:?
I can’t believe the difference since receiving care for chiropractic and functional medicine at Innovation Health! I never thought I could feel this good. I’m no longer living with everyday pain. Posture, eating, mood – I was not letting my body do the good work it was designed to do! Now I’m moving more, conscience about my posture, and understanding more and more each day how what I put into my body affects so much.

What I would want others to know:
What I want others to know is how grateful I am to Dr. Wolf, Dr. Pepper and their staff. I was a hard-headed case who finally made the commitment. Boy, I thought it would be hard but once you connect the dots-mind, body, and soul-it makes sense and I feel so much better. It’s not hard and the benefits far outweigh any perceived hardships.


Christian Walser, Denver, NC

Before I received treatment at Innovation Health, on a pain scale of one to ten, ten being the most severe, my pain level was a 5-6 in the low back area. My injuries occurred after moving and my pain persisted for months before seeing Dr. Wolf. I had trouble bending down and had extreme pain while working out in the gym.

The benefits I have received is better overall, physically, and mentally. Regular appointments have helped me to get back to pain free exercise.

What I would want others to know, is chiropractic treatment is truly a whole-body treatment. It helps our immune systems, back pain, and many other things within the body. It should be a part of everyone’s healthcare regimen.